Trying to bring two sides of family is a failure if there is no effort from both side and that is what I'm facing now. Stucked in the middle ain't a real fun but instead it is a misery. Looking back what I have did is correct or no, is a total waste, all I can do now is just continue doing what I feel is right.
Am I really being accepted and loved is another question.Things look so lovey in front but at back, who knows what is really happening? The fact that I just came can't be changed and the truth that the maximum love is not there also can't be changed. I will always be the black sheep? maybe or maybe not.
Somehow, life have to move on and I'm wondering what future holds for me. Leaving aside whether the world ends in 2012 or no, Im more concerned on what 2012 holds for me. Where I will be and what I will be doing is not the matter. With who I will be is the big question mark.
Sitting here alone while sipping a cup of teh-o just triggering alot ALOT of questions!!